Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bye to Beijing Olympics

The Beijing Olympics is over. I feel suddenly quite empty. Its like, when I switch on my TV, I don’t get to watch the athletes break out in funny expressions when they give their best shot…. Until 4 years later. What a long wait. My goal is to go to London during 2012! As a spectator of course.

I never used to like to watch Olympics – I thought it was boring and I didn’t understand what the hype was about. But the Beijing Olympics completely captivated me. My all time favourite segment has got to be Gymnastics. I just cant understand why the Gymnasts can twirl so easily from one pole to another, do somersaults on the balance beam, tumble and roll in the air before landing. Imagine the number of hours they contributed to be on the Olympics platform and the amount of tears and sweat they dropped during their training. I kept asking my Mom(no matter which sport I am watching), why didn’t she send me for training for Gymnastics, for Table Tennis, for Volleyball, for Swimming… the list goes on till my Mom is sick of it and asked me not to bug her anymore!!

China really did a great job in organizing the Olympics this time round. It really opened my eyes to see how China has vastly developed within a short period of a few years, and that is how competitive they are getting to be. The China Chinese are hungry for success and they are emerging really fast.
I remember few years back, Singaporeans would never ever thought that China would be in the position they are today.

Hence, my dear friends@work, we run a race against time everyday. Gone are our parents’ days of going back at work right on time. But still, take time to rest and relax, especially on weekends. Exercise is a great way of relaxing!! I used to be so unhealthy and unfit! Ask me to jog and I will immediately say NO! Now, I share my exercise regime with you. I jog every Monday(at least 2.4KM) at Bishan Stadium, I have kickboxing classes every Sat at Bt Gombak Stadium, and I meet my friends for Badminton at Clementi Stadium every Sunday. What’s important is that you have a group of friends who share the same goal[either losing that(those) stubborn piece(s) of ugly body fat(s), keeping fit, to exercise, or as a get-together with friends…] I personally recommend a body scrub after exercising(try Body Shop’s Exfoliating Gloves or Body Scrubs)…. Works like a charm to relax yourself!

Exercising is great! We should have our next sports event team bonding soon(hint to Senior and Ron). Even though I cant play well for most sports…. But why what why why what??!?! I enjoy the process of sweating and laughing and having fun with everyone!

Till next time I find something to talk about again…


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