Monday, November 30, 2009

Presentation: Facebook guide for executives

Found a good simple deck about using facebook for business.

Ogilvy On: Facebook for Business

Also, here's a cheap way to use facebook to promote consumer products:

(or you can read a friend's blog on this)

There are already many famous facebook campaigns. Except they aren't campaigns at all. They are long term dedication to a conversation with their customers, bordering customer services, about their brand, products and sometimes themselves. Some of the ideas can be re-purposed, but just like the Internet, novelty counts. Any bright ideas of how to promote our work through facebook?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sharing my Jerky Moment!

I love jerky! Bite size and flavourful! the combination of spices on the hard and dry texture, usually leaves me no choice but to chew on it slowly ...and deliberately. between those bites and chews..I sometime discover new sensory insights, of old familar taste.

I got my Jerky today.Separately, a few speakers managed to provide me with those Jerky moments for me. Bite size knowledge, spiced by with perspective... and left  me..savouring the favour of what is to come on cloud computing. Wanted to share this jerky moment with you.

A jerky veteran on how best to experience a jerky moment :

1. Do not assume you know what it taste like
jerky is special, you never know what to expect. Since jerky is made of different part of a cut and they have their unique texture and thickness; spices are willfully layered on, each bite loaded with a different blend.

2. Take time to chew on it.
Its easlier to digest if you leave it in your mouth and chew them up properly, then to swollaw the pieces. Jerkies are not stable, it dont feed you. its only purpose is to offer you savouring moment.

3. Personalised savouring.
I am sure I am not alone in playing with food in my mouth. Meshing up the tohu inbetween my teeth, sticking the gum round my molar. Tightly compressing the food on my tongue against the "ceiling" of my mouth, in an attempt to drain my food of the liquid. Well, in these little experiments, i discover my personal interpretation to the taste of the food.

4. If you are vegetarian, try imgine all the above performed on a well seasoned KimChi.
I think it will work the same. :)

Okay enough with that. What I meant to say is that I hope to provide some bite size insights for you and hope that you find a flavour to them.

Social Computering :
The begining  of community computing - 80s, Workgroup based (lotus); 90s, Intranet (Sharepoint) and now we are entering Social Computing.

Social computing is more than just (and i think,  probably useful part about) social networking. Consider sieveing out, facilitating the social nature of our behavour and integrate it into business operations.

Thoughts : Today, when we cant figure something, we go on the web to check. "how do we... " the last time, I can't figure my Apple Time Capsule with my SingNet router. I surf the web to learn how to do it. I did this, becuse I know SingNet wouldnt know and neither with Apple cust. care. But on the web, another user would have experience the same situation, and likely to solve my problem more specifically.

Hey! So what would Customer Support operation looks like tomorrow when we integrate "social" "crowd sourcing" into the cust. care environment?

Social Connected What?
There was a good catergorisation of what type of socially connected are we.. thought it provide a good insights into the building of our social networking strategy - can it really be one size fits all? are all likely to be the same socially, even digital?

a. Creators : blogs and create articles.
b. Critics: post rates, review comments and join forum
c. Collectors: use Rss feeds, Add tag to web, help organised content
d. Joinners : manage profile on social networking sites, visit social sites
e. Spectators: Watch, Listen, Read about review
f. inactive.

Wat are you? Which type is your audience likely to be? Who among them to make, likely to make creators? Who you need to provide the inform, how.. to help spread it?

Social marketing  B to B
B to B marketing has always and is still heavily reliance on social marketing. In most survey throughout the years, word of mouth (colleagues, friends, business contacts) is still the number #1 reference for customers' buying decision. Though, there is a growing trend in nline media, eg thr social networking websites, but this is just a changing mode of access- B to B has always been reliance on social marketing, its something we already apply and know well as B to B marketer.
So its about creating new mode, respectiving and faciliating the new digital mode. Social Marketing is not replace, but strengthen in BtB marketing. What does it mean to us?

Changing direction of knowledge & communication
Past ( deliver information) Now ( engage interactions0
Past (domain knowledge driven) Now ( crowd mashed knowledge)
Past (outbound) Now ( inbound, plug in to dialogue)
Past (send - recieve) now ( continous iteration)
Past (single tenanted, 1 place, 1 kind of knowledge) Now (multi-tenanted knowledge)

Common Mistake of social netowrk strategy - how should i use twitter/facebook.
Strategy focus dont change - it stay focus on People!
consider P.O.S.T. model.
P : people (who is the audience we want to connected)
O : objective (what is the objectives, for them and for you)
S :  Strategy (how will/do you want to change this relationship)
T : Technology (then how to use the exisitng digital property to deliver the above)

Well that is all for now.. my jerky moments today. Hope they provide titbits thoughts for you.

Happy Snacking!
Lee Fong

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tis the season to be jolly!

Glad to know there's a group blog! It's great coz I'm such a reading person (I think I tried to measure how much I read online once, end up with a ballpark of scanning 20 websites a day and 100s of status updates / news headlines), although the frequency of posts here would probably make it not feature on any RSS readers... 

One of the reason people find it so hard to "blog" is the expectation of having the post look "long" and substantial. So I'd suggest that we don't feel obliged to write so much, just quick and easy. Better frequency than long articles (this is not some town council publication anyway).

Think I'm settling in fine. Thanks for all your support, especially boss Lee Fung :o)

And finally some up-selling (ehm.. I'm also a bit salesman hehe), here're a list of concerts you might want to attend in the coming 2 months, some small, some major, where moi is performing (playing hard!). In chronological order:
  1. 18 Nov 7pm: An evening with chamber brass by Just Brass ( @ WCEGA Plaza (Bukit Batok) #4-47 $10
  2. 3 Dec 7:30pm: Mendelssohn and Beyond: A midsummer's night's dream by The Philharmonic Orchestra ( @ Esplanade Concert Hall $20, $25, $35
  3. 6 Dec 7:30pm: Cityscapes by Philharmonic Winds ( and a visiting band from Thailand (Nontri Orchestra Winds) @ Esplanade Concert Hall $15, $20, $25, $35, $50
I also have some discount tickets *wink* speak to be personally. If you hang around town during Christmas season you might also bump into me busking around, fa la la la la, la la la la.

-Jiin Joo