Friday, July 4, 2008

IRR - From Ideas to Reality to RESULTS!

Dear team mates,

The team had been busy juggling with many key tasks at hand, from creating new solutions, to driving marketing activities to ensuring i.Luminate really illuminates.... I know, I know, it is VERY Challenging. But, I believe, we are all in an exciting time. I was reading a book on "Marketing Personality" which gave a case study of how microsoft changes their own perception of themselves from an incumbent, bully of the software world to one that is embracing the new changing world and making a difference.

I would like to borrow the campaign that was spun from their ground people up: Change the world or Go home!

Everyday, we spend many hours in our work (or Career, or job, depending on how you view this..or hobby...) and in the office. The last thing you want in your life is to go home and look back, not knowing what you had done in the day, or what difference you had made. If you are doing the same thing day in day out, spending 10 years in a job is like having only 1 year of work experience but doing it 10 time! We need to constantly challenge ourselves in making a difference to our organization, our people around us and of course, ourselves. Pushing the envelope, looking for new horizons, solving the problems that will always crop up are all but part of the journey.

So, let's all push on together and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Imagine the fruit of your labour after plouging through the raw land:

SingTel breaking new grounds in providing ICT solution in key industries!
SingTel being the innovator in Mobility solutions empowering 21st century workers!
SingTel, the leading digital marketing guru in ICT industry!

Yes, we need to dream. Being able to dream and work toward transforming Ideas to Reality to Results would enable us to be make the difference in where we are today.

I enjoy working with you and looking forward to hearing your dreams in this space.

Best Regards,

Happy Dreamer... Geok Chwee

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