Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Dear Team,

Wishing all a Happy 2009 and many good things ahead of us!

I had a good break over the last 2 weeks with my family in Europe. Great scenery, good education on Europe history and architecture, quality time with my two kids and having fun with snow and the freezing cold weather...

I always felt grateful after a long break, that I have a job to get back to and it is not just a "job" that I do to get paid, but one that I truely enjoy doing with a group of people that I love working with. It is always the people around us that matters and what always motivates me in my work are my team mates who are passionate in their work, who are eager to learn and make a difference alongside me; my bosses who are appreciative and supportive of me. Thank you, team for making this place a wonderful place to be in and a place where I love to come in every morning to work.

So, as usual, we need to make some "new" (or not so new) resolution for the New Year!

My personal resolution for 2009:

1. Health

This has been always the number 1 on the list (almost every year...don't ask me if I had achieved my resolution every year) . This year, my resolution is to increase number of time I exercise every week, minimially, 3 times per week.

2. Work Life Harmony

Yes, family is number 1 priority in my life. Many times, we get too engrossed in work and lost the balance. So, readjusting working hours to get more work life harmony is something that we have to constantly remind ourselves. I believe that having a happy family life is the foundation to all other things in life, without which, nothing will satisfy the heart.

3. Growing as a team

I believe in continuous learning and self development. Many people stop reading or learning once they leave school which is very sad. Some one ever said that some people maybe on the job for ten years which equates to ten repeated experience of the same one year work which is terrible. No matter what we do, we need to continuously improve ourselves. There is no one out there that can help us if we are not taking charge of our own personal growth. There are many ways that we learn. I love to read and get the wisdom from those great people out there and learn from their experiences. Self reflection is also another way of learning where we reflect upon what we had seen,done or experience and think about how we can do better next time. I also like to observe how other leaders behave in certain situations and learn from them.

In this new year, I hope that we can grow as a team. Learning how we can communicate with each other better, how we can bond together and break barriers ahead to make the impact that we want in the marketplace. I am very grateful to have a great team but there's always room for improvement. So, there's work to do in ensuring tight team work among the BD & SMM, ensuring we all share the same vision and commitement to make things work. We need everyone of us to be proactive in putting forth more good ideas and push our initiatives through together to make a big wave in our Blue Ocean!

Let's work together and grow together as a team. Next year this time, I believe the team would emerge even stronger and Better!

Best Wishes,

Geok Chwee

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